Zarel Skymmar

Zarel Najwan Skymmar is 19 years old and was born and raised in Selangor which is located on the west of Peninsular Malaysia. He just recently finished his foundation program in Physical Science and is expected to continue for a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering around October this year. Zarel loves doing nature-based activities and joining programs like camping, jungle trekking and going to the beach. Besides that, he has joined the local Youth Club and coordinates outdoor programs such as rugby training for kids and community services. Often going to the beach, Zarel realized that in his country, pollution and poachers are one of the main reasons the ocean and its wildlife is at risk and he would like to contribute to make a change for the better. Zarel is looking forward to being involved in OceanEcho 30x30 and preserving the ocean and beaches in his country.

Campaign Update:

For my campaign, I am using social media to introduce and promote OceanEcho 30x30 movement in Malaysia with the hashtag #30x30Malaysia. Having representatives from each state in Malaysia, the campaign includes a virtual camp aimed for youth in collaboration with the local environmental NGO. I also have plans for competitions for kids after the Fellowship period.