The OurEcho Challenge

The OurEcho Challenge is a STEM competition that empowers young changemakers to take a closer look at biodiversity in their communities. Young leaders will first identify threats to local ecosystems and then propose solutions to help preserve, protect, or repair those natural resources.

During the 2023-24 school term, the OurEcho Challenge is open to youth in the US and the UK, ages 13-16. Explore these webpages and resources to learn more about how to submit your plan to change the world!

USA OurEcho Challenge: Meet the Winning Teams

UK OurEcho Challenge: Meet the Winning Teams

The Prizes


US Grand Prize: $5,000
UK Grand Prize: £5,000


US 2nd Prize: $2,500
UK 2nd Prize: £2,500


US 3rd Prize: $1,000
UK 3rd Prize: £1,000

Why Biodiversity?

Like an echo, the impact of every living species resonates among all other life to create the balance on which we all rely. This interconnectivity of life is called biodiversity. From the majestic blue whale to the hardworking honeybee, the complex web of life we call biodiversity touches every inch of our planet, including our own backyards.  And now, more than ever, this life sustaining variety needs our help.

Recognizing that half of the world’s biodiversity has been destroyed since 1970, the OurEcho Challenge empowers and engages young problem solvers in understanding and protecting the amazing diversity of species essential for the future of our planet.  Teams of young leaders, ages 13-16, tackle the decline in biodiversity head-on by identifying threats to natural resources in their communities and developing an innovative solution and action plan in the form of a sustainable process or prototype.

Looking for inspiration? Meet the previous OurEcho Challenge winning teams to learn about their projects to preserve biodiversity in their own backyards.