Avery McRae

Avery is 16 years old and lives in Eugene, Oregon. In 2014, she received NCAP's Rachel Carson Award. This award honors individuals who are making an on the ground difference in their community and inspiring others to do the same. Avery joined the federal lawsuit filed by Our Children’s Trust in 2015. She is now in the environmental club at her high school, and continues to help organize rallies in her hometown. She loves nature and spending time outside. This includes hiking in the beautiful wilderness of Oregon, swimming in beautiful local rivers, exploring the beauty of the nature around her, and trail riding on her horse. Avery has two pet rabbits, some chickens, and a sweet dog. In her spare time she loves to get outdoors and watch the sunsets with her family. Avery has been concerned about the state of the climate since she was young, and will continue to do her part to ensure the safety of future generations.